Back with the X-Men, Logan attempted to comfort Havok after the recent loss of both the women he loved, Wolverine suggested that the men of the X-Men go to a bar in Sydney, taking the idea from Dazzler who took all of the women out. While at the bar, the four X-Men stopped an alien invasion of the many aliens in the Conquest.[214] Shortly after, Wolverine and Havok were vacationing in Mexico and saved a woman from terrorist attackers.[215] The woman was actually Scarlett McKenzie and was working for the Russian scientist, Dr. Neutron (Meltdown), who wanted to use Havok as a means to absorb the entire energy of a breaking down atom reactor and transmute it into himself.[216] Scarlett gave Alex Summers false information that terrorists were trying to sabotage the plant and when he ventured into the heart of the reactor, he found it shortly before reaching critical limit. The timely arrival of Wolverine prevented a full disaster and after Logan killed the scientist, Alex redirected the nuclear radiation into space. For Alex's sake, Logan kept Scarlett's betrayal secret, as he was still trying to get over the back-plotting of Madelyne.[217]
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Shortly after Logan took Elsie-Dee to the X-mansion where Forge discovered that her whole body was rigged with explosives, he told Logan that it would be better to get rid of her but Logan refused saying she was different. Elsewhere, Albert's body was taken by the police and put into an evidence room where the cyborg was able to rebuild himself and gathered several information in order to save Elsie-Dee.
As Logan regained his body and wondered who this redhead woman was, in the afterlife, all alone the redhead woman said one last thing before letting a rose flower fell to the ground: "Farewell, James my love, perhaps we'll be reunited again someday." Back to the land of the living, Logan made his way to the X-Mansion and discovered that Amiko was alive, she was saved by the Weapon X project and Colcord to make up for what Creed did.[286] 2ff7e9595c