Beckman was consistently pessimistic about the outlook for the stock market and British house prices. In 1979 he predicted that property prices would fall by 50% within three years; they did not. In 1983, in The Downwave, which sold 500,000 copies, he predicted a second Great Depression.[8] He followed this up with recommendations for how to beat the coming depression and a history of financial crashes. In 1987 the stock market did crash on Black Monday but the Financial Times noted that share prices after the crash were still about twice as high as they had been in 1983. In 1988, he produced Into the Upwave,[8] a wide-ranging work of over 600 dense pages, in which he continued to forecast a house price collapse but also explained how to prosper in the long term from new trends.[9] In Housequake (1996), Beckman again predicted a property price collapse, saying "There will not be a property boom during the 1990s of any sort." The Times in their 2007 obituary of Beckman, noted that house prices had more than tripled since that prediction.[1]
Electroretinography (ERG) provides a non-invasive means to assess the electrophysiological responses of the photoreceptor outer segments (a-wave) and the neural retina (b-wave) in response to varying intensities of photostimulation. ERG was performed as described (Bennett et al., 2014) in order to analyze the various stages of the retinal response to light. These studies revealed that the outer segment-mediated a-wave was significantly reduced in the KO mice compared to WT mice. This loss of a-wave response could be explained by the loss of rod photoreceptor cells. In addition, the b-wave response induced by the photoreceptor pre-synaptic terminals and mediated by the neural retina was also significantly reduced in KO mice compared to WT (Figs. 4A and 4B). This reduction in b-wave amplitude, however, was greater than predicted from the loss or rod photoreceptor cells and represented specific changes in the retinal synapses in the KO mice. Using a Butterworth filter (30 and 80 Hz) to remove a- and b-wave contamination allowed for the isolation of oscillatory potentials (OPs), which are mediated by the synaptic feedback responses of amacrine, horizontal, and bipolar cells to the initial rod photoresponse (Wachtmeister, 1998). OP amplitudes were significantly decreased in KO mice compared to WT mice, suggesting a decrease in synaptic efficiency within the neural retina following depletion of VLC-PUFA (Figs. 4C and 4D).
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